
If you already have a router, then you might be able to use it for your naked Voyager internet connection instead of buying or renting a new one from us. This page describes what you need to know about using your own router with Voyager.

Third Party BYO Router Requirements

Before you begin:

  • If you also need our Voice services (VoIP), then we can only provide support for our retailed routers. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to send us an email ( or give us a call on 0800 4SPEED.
  • Different connection technologies like VDSL, Fibre, or Hyperfibre have different technical requirements. Search the internet for your current router, model number and firmware version to find its technical specifications or consult the user manual if you still have it to hand. Then use this spec sheet to ensure your router meets the technical requirements for your new Voyager internet connection.
  • If your router was originally provided by another Internet Service Provider, then they may have applied some restrictions that make it difficult for the router to be used elsewhere.
  • Your router will need to support "VLAN Tagging" for our VDSL & Fibre services (although you can opt to disable it for our Fibre services, we do not recommend this).

Basic requirements for each connection type:

From May 2024 we are making Circuit Based Authentication available on all new Fibre and VDSL connections. We will also progressively be making it available across all existing connections. Once enabled you can choose to configure your router with either PPPoE or IPoE. Your active session will be locked to either PPP or DHCP once authenticated, I.e. both cannot be connected at the same time. 

* Click on > to expand the menu


ADSL Configuration


VDSL Requirements


Fibre Requirements


HyperFibre Requirements


DHCP / IPoE Configuration


PPPoE Configuration





Please note: We cannot guarantee the full compatibility of any specific third-party router. We recommend referring to the retailer or the manufacturer's support information if you have any concerns.



Get in touch

If you are experiencing any difficulty with any of these instructions, give us a call on 0800 477 333 (8AM to 10PM, 7 days a week).